Wednesday 16 October 2013

Hope Leadership Training 2013

Yesterday was a Public Holiday and it was also the day my church arranged a whole day training for the leaders (and their spouses)

As mentioned in my earlier post, Leadership is a topic that interest me a lot, hence,  I was rather looking forward to a fruitful time of learning.
A leader has to keep learning. When a leader thinks he/she has known enough, he knows nothing.
Indeed, the whole day training did fill my tank and I was energised by the different teachings. Thank God. And thank my church for always putting great emphasis in developing its people.
I would like to post the notes in this platform so that I can be reminded of the important points when I look back. Although due to some formatting issues, they may appear rather messy here but these are treasures to me.
Leaders Needs to Be Predictable 
As an introduction to start off the Leaders Training in the heavy rain Pastor Jeff very aptly shared that
-       Leader need to be PREDICTABLE ( for example if it rains, we do not turn up) . God cannot entrust us if its otherwise. If we allow the weather to dictate whether if we will turn up for something.
-       Being predictable does NOT mean boring.
-       We need to be predictable in terms of our emotions. ( think of some parents who are unpredictable in their mood. One day the child gets to enjoy chicken drumstick when the parent is in a good mood, on another day the child gets a beating. The child will live in an atmosphere of fear and anxiety)  
-       We need to be predictable even in small tasks
-       God is predictable, the sun rises every morning
-       It is not a sexy concept but it is very important.

-       Being predictable in every area. Not just in work, it applies to all our roles. If we are only predictable in our job and for ministry, it reflects our values.
  • Session 1 - From Leading to Being Led - Craig Groeschel‏
    session 3 - Wayne Cordeiro‏

    Wake up one day and do not feel like leading anything, tired of preaching, staff , sharing his life
    Winning the ministry game but losing my first love. The way I was doing the work of God is slowly destroying God’s work in me – Bill Hybels.
     3 Obstacles
    1.    More concerned with what people thinks than what God thinks.
    It will keep us from being led by the spirit
    People are too big and God is too small
    Honour God even if it displeases people
    I cannot please everyone but I can please God

    2.    More concerned with my public image than my private devotion
    Sometimes leaders study the bible just to prepare for preaching/teaching
    We are like a full time pastor/leader and just a part-time follower of Christ
    We do not mean it when we tell people “ I will pray for you” just paying lip service
    Be faithful to Jesus when no one is looking than when everyone is looking

    3.    More concerned about bringing people in than bringing glory to Christ
    When you give free beer, you can also draw a crowd
    If you tie your identity to figures and numbers you will feel like the biggest loser.
    (think about it) If you take the blame for the decline than one day, you will take the credit for the increase
    Do not be obsessed by numbers, when we are truly doing God’s work, God’s way, HE will build the church

    From the book Tribal Leadership (3 levels of leadership motives )
    Lowest Level: “I want to make a NAME for myself”
    Underlying concept: “I AM GOOD”
    Thus the enemy is anyone or anything that competes.

    Middle Level: “We want to make a difference as a team”
    Underlying Concept: “I cannot do it alone, WE ARE GOOD”
    Enemies are our field, we do not wish to lose to “them” other churches
    We overestimate what we can do in a short time but underestimate what God can do through us over a lifetime a faithfulness

     Highest Motive : Make History
    Underlying Concept: “God is good”  
    Only enemy is satan
     ITS not about us, its about HIM

    • [Evangelism]
      Celebrate people coming to Jesus, not bigness
      Evangelism is a heart set, not a programme

      Eph 4 Pastor, teacher, evangelist etc.. 5 fold ministry
      Pastor equipping his people to do the work
      Use proper measurement to measure spiritual work. How many am I discipling actively, name them….
      Who is shadowing? Do not just hire people who can do it well but hire those who can facilitate others to do it well.
      Culture of servant hood instead of leadership  

      Make relationship with spouse right first before ministering
      The darkest palce of the lighthouse is the base (our home) . Make sure God’s floodlight is on them !!!
      My family is my ministry. If I do not have a good family, I do not have a good ministry

      [In a nutshell]
      -       Evangelism is  a culture , not a programme
      -       Practice Intentional discipleship
      -       Family is of paramount importance (do not do ministry at the expense of family in the short run we may think we win, but in the long run we lose and when we lose, the Kingdom lose.
      ·         How can I cultivate a culture of evangelism ?
      ·         How can I be more intentional in discipleship?
      Session 4 - Tim Keller
      Not 1-1 relationship but immersing community
      discipleship is public and private , individual and community
      importance of discipleship in the context of community thats why we keep LG strong. One anothering is vital 

      The Last session of the day was an interview with Pastor David Lim.
      I just took down some points that I think is important.
      Faithfulness until God says something else. If God wants me to do it. Do it with ALL our heart
      Giftedness vs. Servanthood
      Do not specialise yet when you are young, broaden your base
      Disappointment, conflicts and failures are integral to success
      We are in spiritual warfare, well intention people who are trying to do their best
      Keep loving and pressing on
      Love for work of jesus (love), other people are also hurting (need) , family relationship must be strong (family)
      Callings can lead to calvaries in our life
      Quickest way out of the wilderness is to learn the way of the wilderness
      Ask ourselves “what is God saying to me in this situation?”
      Too often we fight Mickey Mouse battles
      Seek advice of older leaders.
      More info is not equal to more wisdom

      Pitfalls of leadership?
      Charismatic leaders who depend on themselves
      Too much dependence on myself. Servanthood and humility (if we do God’s work, we will be lead through situations where we will be humbled)
      Growth, preach every sermon as if it’s your last
      Look to other leaders and draw from them
      accountability (we are not superheroes, we are human beings after all) we belong to each other

      If God gives you a vision , you got to take one step at a time
      God is very active in church, learn to release it to God. Doesn’t matters what people think of me. It matters only if the KOG grows
      What you will do in the future days will be greater than what you have done in the past

      It’s not about you but God

      ---------------------------------- The End--------------------------------------------------------------------- 

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