Friday 22 June 2018

A Meaningful and Fulfilling Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I started the day very early because I got to feed Kai. To be able to do this, is definitely one of my greatest blessing in life.
he loves to lie against our chest after feeding
I usually do not sleep long after Kai's 2nd feeding so I decided to go for my exercise which I have not been doing after Kai is born. As we now have a helper , that frees up a bit of our time and I am glad to resume my exercise routine gradually.
It was a nice morning and the air felt so fresh at 645am (seems like it rained the night before). Quite the perfect time for a workout.
The 1st view I have when I do sit-ups

This is the 2nd view
After exercise, I went up and wash up. Had my breakfast and QT and spent time with wifey and Kai.
Kai in his new smurf outfit from grandma-preparing to go out
We tried on the Tula Baby Carrier and this time round, Kai seems fine to sit in it. We have adjusted the carrier to a bigger setting and maybe it is more comfortable for him now as compared to a month ago when he refused to settle down.
love the bird prints and olive colour of the Soar carrier

Took a pic before going out

After washing up, we grabbed a taxi to NUH for wifey's gynae checkup. We had planned to bring Kai to visit the nurses of Ward 48 to show our appreciation and to let them take a look at the baby they have been "taking care" of, a few months back.
We also wrote them a little thank you card and presented a box of merci chocolate.
It was heart-warming to see those familiar nurses like Joan and Carissa carrying Kai. (too bad other nurses like Mimi, Jessa, MaryAnn, Huifang and Ameer were not there) They have played an important role in this whole pregnancy journey.
Ward 48 Nurses

After leaving ward 48, we headed to woman's clinic and managed to meet Nurse Yong. She was very surprised and happy to see wifey with Kai. She is another person whom have helped wifey in her pregnancy as she is the nurse whom wifey felt most comfortable with, administering those weekly progesterone injections. She is the gentlest of them all.

Nurse Yong with wifey and kai

with MOMMY@@!!

with Daddy@@

Mommy simply loves this blanket on him..

We got Prof Mahesh a single shot cappuccino from Starbucks before we got to see him.
To see Prof cuddling Kai close to him was such an endearing sight. We are most grateful to him walking with us through this journey.

He kept saying "so nice, so nice..."

After leaving NUH, we took the train over to Star Vista with the intention to have dinner at Sazeirya. To our disappointment, it was closed due to their ordering system being down. We were famished, so in the end we settled our dinner at Texas Chicken and headed home after that.

At night, wifey secretly arranged for deb and folks to surprise me with a cake. In normal circumstances, I would have suspected she is up to something but because I was too tired after a long day, I didn't. I had wanted to go down to collect the mail when I saw them approaching and singing Happy

Very nice, what a perfect way to wind down the day, my 40th birthday. Thank you Jesus, wifey, Kai and my family who made it so special.

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