Wednesday 20 June 2018

Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

Currently, I am reading this book “Every Bitter Thing is Sweet” by Sara Hagerty.


I bought this book for wifey many years back but didn’t get down to reading it myself.


Recently, I started to do so as part of my morning routine devotion. (to fill up the gap of time which I have, after feeding Kai and before leaving for work.)


I am a third through it and I think this book is literature gold. It is indeed beautifully written, and I am learning to savour every word in it.


Sara Hagerty has that gift of expressing in words what many people may be feeling and thinking but are unable to verbalize out themselves.


I intend to read it slowly and not rush through it so that I allow those words to sink in.


I also bring the book out wherever I go so that I will not look at my mobile phone while commuting which I think is a waste of time and data.

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