Thursday 28 June 2018

Sum Where Out There

Yesterday, I had a gathering with Roy and Sebby @ Sum Kee .

I have always wanted to try that place but didn't really get the chance to do so. So when suggesting for the meet up location, we decided to have it there this time round.

It has been a really long time since I saw them. The feeling was SSBD (Same Same But Different ) . We connected very easily even with such a long hiatus and were mostly on the same wavelength after spending so many years as bunkmates. We are extremely comfortable with each other.

Those private, familiar jokes flowed easily. However, there are also some changes in personality/lifestyle like Roy's preference for smaller quantity of food *gasp* and Sebby taking the bus.

Different experiences over the years have also shaped us as individuals.

We caught up and updated each other on our life, family, job, world cup, soccer, Uber/Grab and spoke about start ups etc... remembering we almost started a drink business many years ago. It could have been a unicorn as Sebby ruefully commented.

Oh yes, food was quite good. We ordered the Ultraman Chicken, Hor Fun, Coffee Ribs, Four Seasons Beans, Pumpkin Tofu and a Bi Feng Gang Prawn (Off - menu item) introduced to us by auntie. She seemed very proud of that dish and kept asking if it was good. It was. All the good food, washed down by 2 bottles of beer and the total cost is around $99.

There was another table behind us full of uncles reminiscing about the past, we sort of see glimpses of ourselves in them, 20 years later...

Our dinner lasted around 3 hours and after that Roy sent me home.

Thank God wifey is looking after Kai at home and that allowed me some time off for this gathering. when I reached home wifey asked if my tank was being refilled. My answer was a definite YES.

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