Thursday 14 June 2018


I am not good with my Chinese, I always struggle to read Chinese books as well as articles.


However, I plan to expose myself more to reading Chinese so that I can be more confident and competent to guide Kai in his school work in the future.


For the past few months, I  have been listening to 96.3FM and  noticed that their use of the language is rather poetic, and it piqued my interest in the language more. After all, Xin Yao which the station often play is a celebration of the local Chinese language and culture.


Their tagline is 当下时光 which means the present moment . Their station ditty is very catchy and meaningful and  goes along the line that the present moment is the most beautiful.


Listening to that station I sometimes capture some nuggets of truth. Just a few days ago, a listener wrote in and say that the 2 major stealers of joy are   (Comparison) and ( to focus excessively on something, being calculative etc )


It is so true, when we compare with others or focus excessively on often unimportant matters, we find it very hard to appreciate the present.. what we have, how we are doing seemingly pales in comparison with what others put out in FB. This is very true in the season of parenthood where insecurities can be at its height.


That is why I am learning to wean off social media, barring the occasional scrolling of soccer news. I will continue to put down my thoughts and sharing in this platform which is more private and personal.


I want to learn to appreciate the present more.

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