Monday 5 August 2013

A Date with the King of Fruits

Last Friday, we had combine LG at Connect Room 806. Danny shared about missions and that we can all do a part in the big scheme of things by being a go-er, send-er or mobilizer.
It was a good time of learning and I find that the concluding part whereby we often take the easier part of the bible ( for e.g. Come to me all who are weary… and I will give rest ) to apply to ourselves while the more difficult part ( e.g. go and make disciples of all nations ) to apply to others very true. Have to constantly be reminded that as we mature in our walk with God, we are not to take the Word selectively.
Went home after LG ended and attempted to upgrade my I-phone IOS to a higher version as I find that I am limited by IOS4. However after several hours of trying, using all the different methods and countless restarting, I did not manage to succeed. This error message keeps appearing

While I am fiddling with the laptop, wifey was in the hall busying herself with her scrapbook for mom. She is definitely making much better progress than me as I can see that her “project” is more or less completed.

Good job huh ;o)
We slept very late that night. I even had this crazy idea to stay up till it was time for Mac breakfast and go for breakfast directly before coming home to sleep but it was not possible at my age already…
Saturday morning I was up surprisingly early at 8am and started on my household chores. After that, went for our favourite chicken hor-fun bunch with wifey at about 12pm at the market. Went home to rest awhile after lunch and then to the highlight of the day …. An appointment with the King of Fruits!
Yes… Ang has very kindly initiated a durian feast at Potong Pasir that day and invited the sub d peeps over. Me, wifey, Jas, Chris, Ah Meng and Sarah responded to his invitation and I personally had the best durian I ever eaten so far… The quality was really top notch
started off with refreshing coconut juice..

followed by Tropical Fruits Platter 

Durian Warriors

ANG the Durian Slayer... HE'S DA MAN.. Thank you bro ;o)

As if that’s not enough, Ang did not want to collect any $$ from us ( as usual ) as he said he has been wanting to give a treat to us. Really felt blessed by this bro who is so giving. Oh and he also sent us home in his cab after the feast . wow.

Sunday service was an ESS “Keep Calm and Look Up” Deb appeared in a video testimony so did Say Beng and another lady . The last testimony was especially touching and I am glad that all of them found comfort in Jesus eventually. They are very courageous to share their struggles out.
After lunch, wifey and myself decided to visit the Popular Stationary fair at Suntec City . Suntec really underwent such major renovation so much so that it is almost unrecognisable to me. We spent close to 3 hours at the fair and wifey bought some stickers for scrapbooking. Both of us enjoyed looking at stationeries so we don’t really feel that we have already spent such a long time inside.
There was also a book signing session by our former president Mr. S R Nathan at the fair and I manage to get up close and personal to him . My first time seeing him in person.

I also made friend with Hog the Poc in the fair
thanks for keeping me warm ...
And I  took a picture with the host of the event Mike Kasem . 
See you Mike, when i take part in SASUKE SINGAPORE! hehe...
He is quite a funny guy when he hosted Sasuke Singapore with a lot of witty comments. Dinner was at home , ecomonic rice with fried hokkien mee as we watched Mr. Popper’s Penguins on TV.  

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