Monday 19 August 2013

Real Faith Revealed - From the book of Daniel

Yesterday, during sermon Ps Jeff shared from the book of Daniel (Daniel 1:1-21) . The title of the sermon is REAL Faith Revealed

I always like the book of Daniel as it illustrates how those who live in righteousness and assured in God will prevail ultimately, rising above the difficult circumstances and over scheming enemies.

The 3 points are

1) Real faith needs to be lived out in the world. (V1-7)

Daniel has to apply what he has learned all his youth out of the comfort of Israel, into an unfamiliar land of Babylon where the environment is dangerous for him to live out what he believes in… will he be able to do that?? The answer is a RESOUNDING YES!

I have to be consistent wherever I am in! In the office, in church, in my family etc… Firstly get my relationship with God right and as I do that, I can go out there to live a life that is consistent to how God wants me to live. Real test of my faith is how I behave when I am “out there” (Jeremiah 25:8-9, Jeremiah 25:11)

2) Real faith resolves to be not of the world (V8-16)

Even though they tried to change Daniel by giving him another name, teaching him about other lifestyle, culture and his believes in the immersion programme, Daniel was not being swayed. He chose his battles carefully (not everything needed to be fight against!)

He can choose whether or not to accept those literature they taught him, he doesn’t mind to be called other names etc but when the time comes for him to make a stand with regards to eating royal food he made a choice not to be defiled. And he did so with much wisdom and tact.

As a Christ follower, I have a different set of values to live by. I should have a deeper consideration than to follow what everybody is doing. I have to make decisions and to react to external demands/pressures by being reasonable, respectful, wise and tactful.

To bulldoze my way through arguments will be unwise, to blend in (even though) the rest are compromising in the ways of God will be unbiblical. So as the bible has put it so clearly, I should be as wise as serpent, yet as gentle as a dove (Matt 10:16) . No one or the other but to find a delicate balance right in the middle and God forbids that I become like a chameleon who blends into whatever environment I am in.

3) Real Faith influence the world (V17-21)

A. God will equip us for influence (v17, 2 Cor 3:5-6)

B. God will position us for influence (v18-20, psalms 75:6-7)

C. God will sustain us for lasting influence (v21)

Daniel survived the lion’s den and lasted 65 years through 7 Kinds (Jer 17:7-8, Psalms 92:12-14, Daniel 1:15) because he is convicted and committed to God. Lord give me conviction and courage like Daniel so that I can live out my faith well in the years ahead.

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