Thursday 1 August 2013

My Week

Last Friday, I met wifey at OG after work as she needed to get a pair of swimming costume.
After trying a few pieces, she finally decided to get a brown one. It looks nice and the price is reasonable, so it’s a good buy.
After getting the costume, we went over to Ichiban-Boshi at Centrepoint for our dinner. We had quite a spread and after using the $10 voucher, total price comes up to about $44.

A very polite Myanmar waiter Latt served as that evening and we were pleased with his service so I wrote a complimentary email to their management. Just gotten a reply from them saying that they will put my compliment up in the notice board and staff newsletter.
I hope my email will motivate Latt to keep up his positive attitude in his work.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
    when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27
My Email
Last night (Friday 26 July 2013), my wife and me were having dinner at
the Ichiban Boshi at Centrepoint outlet and we were served by Latt. I
felt compelled to want to write a compliment to him because he was
really attentive to our needs and friendly throughout the night.
There was a bit of confusion when we were brought an item which we did 
not ordered but Latt resolved it quickly with minimum fuss and assured
us that our bill will be correct in the end. And whenever he took
additional orders from us, it was always with a very polite attitude
So after a delicious dinner, we went to pay and chatted with him a bit 
at the counter and realised he is from Myanmar and has been working
for about 3 years.
Kudos to him and congratulations for having such a staff in you team 
who portray the excellent service level which every customer so
desires. We have met more than our fair share of service staff who
were well below the mark so to have met Latt was a truly refreshing
Do convey my compliments to him, I hope it will motivate him to know 
that his great attitude in serving his customer has not gone unnoticed
or unappreciated.
Marc and Theresa
Their reply
Dear Mr Ong,

The management would like to sincerely thanked you and Ms Theresa for
your valuable time taken to write this compliment.

This compliment is certainly a great motivation and recognition to Latt.
His efforts will definitely be recognized and be rewarded for his
great attitude. On top of this, your feedback will also encouraged
Latt and the team to improve and perform even better to serve our
customers with greater passion.

This compliment will be placed in the outlet's notice board and will
also be published in the monthly newsletter to recognize their
excellent performance.

Once again, the management sincerely thank you for your continuous
support and we look forward to serve you soon.

Thank you and have a great day.

Yours Sincerely,

Penny Chan

AVP Area
On Saturday, I went for my haircut and shopped abit at the NTUC at Bukit Merah which has just undergone a major renovation. The first level looks much better now and the good thing is that they are selling cheesecake now ;o). I bought one for $4.80 and finished it within 2 days! It was that good. In the evening, I went for service while wifey went to her BBQ gathering with GS ex colleagues at Sentosa. After service I walked around at Bugis and for the VERY FIRST time I ate the ma-la stir fry after looking at people ordering. I just have to choose the types of food I wanted and let them weigh and cook. I spent $10.20 on this.
Saltish to the M.A.X
Let’s just say that I had a salt overdose over this meal and it will probably be the last time I eat it. Wifey came back earlier than I expected on that night.
On Sunday, we woke up early to help out in the Hair for Hope event organised by the Children’s Cancer Foundation at Vivocity. 

It was my first time participating and the response was overwhelming. My job was to regulate the flow of the queue and it was easy. Time passes quite quickly for me. Wifey and Faith were in charge of taking down the particulars of participants who wants to go elsewhere to have their hair shaved, I think. After our shift, we were hungry and went for lunch at Harbourfront Foodcourt. Wifey and Faith ate beef noodles while I had the Korean Beef set. After lunch , I went over to G2000 to get some shirts as they are on sale, I also bought a pair of belt and shoes at the Tangs Event Hall. Felt a little bit bad to have spent so much in a day. Dinner was at in laws before heading home to rest.
On Tuesday, I met up with Desmond at Marche 313. It was my first time there and it was the first time in a few years since I met him for a meal. Although we see each other every week in service, we seldom have the luxury to sit down over a meal for a chat. It was a nice time of catching up with an old good friend.
when 2 big guys meet up over dinner...this is usually what you see on the table.. no? 

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