Tuesday 20 August 2013

Spending Saturday Morning at Tanglin Mall

Last Saturday morning, I went with wifey for her annual ultrasound at Camden Medical Centre. After that we went over to nearby Tanglin Mall to have our brunch. Passed by Brunetti and saw that they are selling "Cronut" (a mix between Croissant and donut ) so we decided to try it.

After that we went for our actual lunch which is at Nando's ;o)

wifey is happy to eat some chix

We spent quite some time at Nando's just enjoying our chicken meal and chatting. Wifey loves the food here as well as Barcelos, I am glad that she enjoyed the meal. 

There was a nice gentlemen who also offered to take a photo for both of us. 

Our plan to go swimming after lunch was scuppered because the sky has turned dark and we could hear thunders. In the end, we went over to OG before going over to the in laws for dinner. 

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