Tuesday 13 August 2013

A Long Weekend

The much anticipated long weekend is over and this is what I did over the past 4 days..
On the eve of the holiday (Wednesday) wifey and myself went for dinner at Alexandra Village after I put the small fish tank that BY gave my at home.
We ordered black pepper crayfish, sambal stingray and chef sauce kai-lan at Rong Guang. Saw Priscilla there as well with her colleagues. It was a nice dinner, wanted to try their crab bee hoon but it was too expensive ($60) so we decided against it.
After dinner we went to Anchor point and then Queensway for a while but because most of the shops were already closing, we left after awhile.
Thursday morning, woke up real early around 5 plus intending to go for a dawn walk but because it was still drizzling I have to wait. Made use of that time to select my Fantasy League team. It was a fun thing to be able to pick a team of EPL players whom I think will do well this season. 

Dream Team?
Of course, the game is not so easy as you have to monitor the performance and tweak the team weekly to score maximum points which I do not have the time to do so.
Wifey woke up about 8+ and the weather has cleared sufficiently to enable us to carry out our walking plans. We then took a bus to Labrador and embark on our morning exercise in the slight drizzle. It was a good time of chatting in the midst of nature and greeneries. The last part of the walk which was along the sea was my favourite as it was really beautiful to see those condos, yatches and hear the sound of the waves. crashing against the rocks. Wifey and myself always imagined what we can do if we stayed at that area.. he-he no harm indulging in a dream or two..

We completed the walk about 10+ and proceeded to Macdonald’s at Harbour front for our breakfast. Wifey had a Sausage Mcmuffin meal while I had a hotcakes meal. I love their hotcakes! It was crowded at Mac on that day, I guess because of the long holidays, everyone is out early for their family time and some might be going over to Batam.
After breakfast, we went over to ARC for the much publicised flea market which turned out to be disappointing to say the least.  Just a few stalls with nothing interesting at all. Took a bus home after awhile and had our rest. We watched the first part of Harry Porter which was on TV on that day. The special effects was really impressive and wifey love shows with nice graphics so she enjoyed it. Dinner was at Mom in law’s place. J&S were there also and I played Dream league Soccer using his Ipad. It was quite fun but the hands gets tired holding the heavy tablet. We left mom in law’s place around 8+ and wifey went for her haircut. This time round, she finally got her bob hairstyle. Nice and sassy. NTUC was next and we bought some groceries back.
On Friday, we prepared salad for brunch. This time round, we added avocado and stir fried some garlic mushroom to add on. It was a very nice (and healthy) meal. Watched Harry Porter part 2 in the afternoon. In the evening , we went to bought 2 packets of economic rice and some durians. Caught the NDP parade on TV and I must say this year’s parade was really good, always brings me immense pride whenever I watch the parade. Seeing the elderly Mr. Lee Kuan Yew looking on the parade was especially touching for me. After the parade ends, we brought up the 7 durians to share with folks. I enjoyed the time eating durians together.
On Saturday, wifey went with JY, Faith and Alex to source for deco items for Alex and JY wedding. I had breakfast with folks (Chicken Drumstick Hor Fun and carrot cake) at the market and went to pay my bills at SPC. After that, I walked over to IKEA to look for a small table for my fish tank. Didn’t see anything I particularly like so I left empty handed. And shopping at IKEA without wifey beside me feels different so I left after a short while. Went over to Haikel Lighting to get my toilet lights. FINALLY!!! After being in darkness for several months, I felt really satisfied to finally be able to bath in brightness once again. 
Let there be LIGHT!
Spent $120 on 2 lights and to my delight the man came to fix it up after an hour.  I made salad and a cup of coffee for myself as I watched Harry Porter 3 over lunch. Wifey came back just before the show was about to end and as I waited at the bus stop, I saw her alighting the bus with Hog, yes she really went to bought hog for me ;o) appreciate her thoughtfulness.

Say Hi to Hog 
Dinner was again at AV as I can see that wifey was tired after a whole day out.  She had fish slice soup and I had porridge. We also shared a plate of spinach.
On Sunday, we went for service and after service, brought Liyin to have lunch at the bak kut teh stall at Beach Road. She likes the food there too. After lunch, we went home and caught Harry Porter 4 and when the show ended, we decided to try cycling to the railway tracks opposite our block. We took a much longer route as we do not know the way to reach the track. After exploring, we did manage to reach the tracks. We cycled a bit on the track before reaching an un-passable area under the flyover which has been flooded by rainwater. So we turned back and headed home.  
Quite happy because we finally satisfied our curiosity about the famous old railway track. Had our economic rice dinner at folks home, brought Glenda down to our house as promised and spent a bit of time with her over apples and stickers. She was happy.
At night, dad came down and we watched the Community Shield together. Man Utd defeated Wigan easily by 2-0 (RVP with both goals).

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