Monday 31 December 2012

94 Inches ?? Can or Not ??

Yes that figures pretty much summed up the Saturday for me.
Woke up early to play some football with Matt as the weather was rather good

and soon we were out looking for a new wardrobe to put in our guest room so that we can release some burdens from our existing one.

Saw one which we liked at Alexandra which is selling for $899. However, it looked rather huge and we were unsure if it fits into the space we planned for.
So, to be certain, I walked back home to do the measurement again while wifey stayed back at the shop to look at the combinations for the wardrobe.
Concluded that the cupboard will just be able to fit because our ceiling is 1inch taller... if my measurement is accurate.

After getting our cupboard, we went for lunch at the hawker centre and went home to rest awhile before heading to Toa Payoh again to distribute the remaining vouchers to the beneficiaries with Prisc and Aung Leng.

We then had our dinner at the nearby hawker centre and I finally got to try their famous fish ball noodles. Queue was long as usual but it was worth it.

Wifey had her prawn noodles again and we shared a sting ray.
After dinner we went to get a birthday present for Joshua and I got one for myself as well .

Sunday was our Church members appreciation luncheon at Qian Xi Restaurant which is located at Tanjong Katong Complex. As we were still early after service, we went for Tang Yuan first before Aung Leng drove us there.
Us with Ps Jeff ;o)

Aung Leng and Wifey
We went over to Tiong Bahru Plaza in the evening and had our dinner at the coffee shop opposite. Wifey had her fish slice soup while I ate Sam Lo Hor Fun (nice) and also a plate or fried oyster. We walked for awhile at the plaza to wind down our weekend and headed home about 10pm.

By the way, wifey just completed another set art over the past few days... marvellous.

And Danny got me this book as a Christmas prezzie.

Friday 28 December 2012

Unless the LORD Builds the House, Its Builders Labor in Vain.

2013 is just 3 days away so naturally everyone is preparing themselves for the new year ahead. Packing stuffs, clearing leaves, finishing unfinished businesses, setting new goals. In the midst of all these, I remembered a message shared by Ps Jeff sometime back that there is no magic in entering a new year. It does not mean that an illness will disappear all of a sudden, debts will be cleared automatically or bad habits will be broken immediate once the clock struck 12 on the 31st Dec.. For those who like to draw an imaginery line to close off the past year and plan or make resolutions for the new one, the only one needed would probably be to walk closely with Jesus and anchor our lives around Him. Anything more is rather unneccesary. Remembering Psalm 127  Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Ole, Ole...Mexico!

Today I joined in the last sales meeting of 2012 and after that, Jesreel brought us (Silas, Valenie, Jenelle and me) out for a team lunch.

Wanted to eat Italian but the restaurant was still not opened so we ended up having Mexican cuisine next door. The name of the restaurant is called Margarita’s located at Faber Drive

We shared a Kitchen Sink Burrito, 2 set lunches ( turkey wrap and fried Fish ) , Another chicken wrap and chilli stuffed with minced meat.

It was my first time eating in an authentic Mexican restaurant ... quite an experience. We all came to a conclusion that Mexican uses the same ingredients for most their dishes ( e.g. jalapenos, beans, rice, sour cream, tomatoes etc ) they just presented in different ways.

Isn’t it easy to be a Mexican chef ?

Wednesday 26 December 2012

And Man Will Live Forever More Because of Christmas Day...

This year we had our usual gift exchanges in the office on the 24th Dec. It was a nice feeling to give and receive presents which will later fill up our workstation.

No one was really in the ‘working’ mode so we went out for an early lunch at Brekos Holland Village.
Hawaiian Chicken - nice!
After lunch, we continued with some photo takings and doing tile-art before knocking off. Thank God Baoyun gave some of us a lift to Commonwealth MRT because I managed to reach home earlier with my 2 bagful of presents.
For dinner, wifey and myself had white pepper crab at Alexandra Village. It was the first time we had our crab done this way after tasting it at Tioman and it was good too although it taste a bit different from the Paya Beach Resort’s version.
Yummylicious white pepper crab
After dinner, we went IKEA for awhile to see if we can still get the EXPEDIT but promotion has already ended. Oh well... headed home and transform ourselves into couch potatoes. It was very cosy to just laze at the sofa on a cool night and just watch TV programmes, eating tidbits and drinking a bit of red wine. It was showing 4 Christmases, Michael Buble’s concert etc... we seldom had this luxury of spending a quiet Christmas eve as we usually have some parties going on so this us-time is much welcomed.  
Rod Stewart on TV
We then unwrapped our presents after 12 am and the very first present I unwrapped from wifey is a NERF Retaliator... so cool ;o) the presents i gotten this year are nice and useful. Thanks to all who bless us with the gifts. We slept about 130am that night.

Christmas Day! Woke up early and played awhile with MMGG before they headed out to watch Wreck It Ralph than we went with folks for lunch at Bukit Merah View and did some grocery shopping at NTUC. Then wifey and myself went in search of the wardrobe at Star Furniture. Did not manage to find one we like so we went over to Vivo City to get the toys for the kids. Spent quite a long time at Toys R US and finally decided to get a Playdoh Kitchen Set for G&G and a set of Hex Bug Warriors for M&M. I simply love to look at toys!!!

We than had our Seafood noodle soup dinner at Seah Inn Hawker Centre before heading home. Wifey then wrapped up the prezzies and we just placed it under their Christmas Tree to surprise them.
wifey with her new bag (a present from me!)

This Christmas is one of the more relaxing one I have spent as compared to the previous years and I really appreciate the amount of time I get to spend with wifey and my family just doing simple things like watching TV, chit chatting over simple meals, opening presents and enjoying the cool December air as we strolled along the neighbourhood...
Long time ago, in Bethlehem

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Service 2012

This year, folks once again joined us for Christmas service, together with Deb's in laws. It is really special to be able to attend service with your own parents. I pray that they have somehow been touched by the message of the cross and the love of God even though outwardly they may not display much.
Personally, i am very touched by the drama which depicts the love of a father.
Dad did mentioned he was touched by the testimony of one of the lady who suffered a stroke but managed to recover and how her life has been transformed after that incident.

After the service, I had a quick gift exchange with the rest of the LG and then rushed off for lunch at Yan Palace.

wifey with Gigi again with mouthful of food ;oP
could have been ours
After lunch, we went back to IKEA fully intent on getting the Expedit shelf at a discounted price of $79. However, after careful deliberation, we came to a conclusion that there is no way we can bring it back without incurring the exhorbitant delivery charge of $55. Hence, the painful and disappointing decision to let it go was made. May there be another sale on that shelf and hopefully we will have a way to bring it back when the time comes... by hook or by crook.


On saturday, we again started the day early to bring Daddy to the clinic. After that, we brought him to the barber as well. Lunch was pork porridge cooked by mom using her slow cooker. After luch we went home to rest a bit before heading out again to May Ling's auntie's condo at Lakeshore for a swim and BBQ.

Lakeshore is a realy nice condo with a huge pool and hot water jacuzzi. Superb for cold weather like Saturday. It was raining by the time we went into the cold pool so the hot jacuzzi was really a welcome relief

Wifey relaxing inside the warm jacuzzi
we spent about an hour or so in the pool before washing up and going over for the BBQ. The rest of the LG and some of the Sub D are already there.

only Aung Leng can be so cruel

delicious durians with compliments from Ang

designated griller of the nite

It was a fun time of fellowship but my attention was divided between this and the match that was happening in Bangkok. Thank God the lions held on and brought the cup back... 4 stars! yeah!!!

with this cup, they silenced their critics.. well done Raddy and Duric and thank you! 

Last Leave of 2012

Last Friday was my last leave of 2012 so Wifey and myself decided to spend it at East Coast Park cycling. We woke up at 550am (I somehow forgot to set my alarm at 5am) had a quick wash up and took a train down to Bedok where we had our breakfast of chwee kueh, and a toast set.

taking some pics in the train to keep ourselves awake

It’s really nice to start the day early because by the time we reached East Coast Park, it was only 9am.

nice view of the sea in the morning

@ Bedok Jetty

taking a break

We rented 2 bikes for 2 hours at $16 in total and had a leisurely ride till Bedok Jetty area. It got a bit hot by the time we finished cycling about 11 plus so we went to Marine Crescent Hawker Centre to have our lunch. They sell nice fishball noodles there ;o)

After lunch, we took a bus back and slept along the way. It was a rather long journey. We stopped at Ikea and did some shopping and ended up with some nice little additions to our humble abode.
A plate of potpurri to freshen up our washroom

Dinner was at Ah Pang, where wifey and I shared a delicious steamboat in the cool night... what a great way to end the fun day