Monday 10 December 2012

... And the Gift Goes On... Part 1

..And The Gift Goes On... got off to a great start last Saturday as we embarked on the distribution and invitation session.

Indeed, God blessed us with a nice cooling weather which made our job that much easier. Sure, it drizzled a little before the start but it never really threaten to develop into a shower ;o)

Wifey and myself set off a little earlier and reached the RC at about 11:30am hoping to be able to receive the bread delivery earlier if possible. Thankfully there were no hiccups and everything went on smoothly.

Deliveryman came at about 1145am and I was happy to see the 3 boxes of breads which we can bless 77 households.. Thanks Gardenia for agreeing to let us have it at a low cost of $0.80

After receiving the breads and moving them into the RC, Wifey and myself left to link up with Patrick at Toa Payoh MRT. We had our lunch at Kou-fu together with Liyin and Abel and after that went in search of Coffee Bean or Starbucks for Liyin to get her daily coffee fix. We walked and walked but couldn’t locate any of the coffee joint. (funny how when you are not looking for them they will be everywhere..) Anyway, we finally located one hidden deep inside HDB hub and Liyin got what she wanted. It was also at that time that Faith came over to join us.

We proceeded to the RC and the rest of the team is already there. After a round of introduction , we finally got off to pack the goodie bags and breads. I was not involved in the packing as I was discussing with Aung Leng on the beneficiaries list. Due to the fact that there are no packing of hampers this time around, the packing was completed relatively fast as compared to last year.

Once Packing was done, we had a role play to loosen things up a little. David played the role of a difficult old man while I played the role of volunteer. After that it was Cindy’s turn and she was definitely way better than me in dealing with the “Old Man” ;o)

I brought a team consisting of Wifey, Liyin, Faith , Abel and Patrick and was given block 29 and 31 which has about 23 households.. After going door to door, we managed to give away about 70% of our bread. The units in block 29 is really in very run down conditions and it does bring some realisation to us that there are really very needy families out there and that the loaf of bread and vouchers they will receive next week will really go a long way to bless them...

Anyway, we finished our bread distribution in less than 2 hours and walked back to the RC for a rest and a bit of debriefing... all ready for the actual event on the 15th December 2012....

Let the Gift goes on!

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