Friday 28 December 2012

Unless the LORD Builds the House, Its Builders Labor in Vain.

2013 is just 3 days away so naturally everyone is preparing themselves for the new year ahead. Packing stuffs, clearing leaves, finishing unfinished businesses, setting new goals. In the midst of all these, I remembered a message shared by Ps Jeff sometime back that there is no magic in entering a new year. It does not mean that an illness will disappear all of a sudden, debts will be cleared automatically or bad habits will be broken immediate once the clock struck 12 on the 31st Dec.. For those who like to draw an imaginery line to close off the past year and plan or make resolutions for the new one, the only one needed would probably be to walk closely with Jesus and anchor our lives around Him. Anything more is rather unneccesary. Remembering Psalm 127  Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

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