Wednesday 26 December 2012

And Man Will Live Forever More Because of Christmas Day...

This year we had our usual gift exchanges in the office on the 24th Dec. It was a nice feeling to give and receive presents which will later fill up our workstation.

No one was really in the ‘working’ mode so we went out for an early lunch at Brekos Holland Village.
Hawaiian Chicken - nice!
After lunch, we continued with some photo takings and doing tile-art before knocking off. Thank God Baoyun gave some of us a lift to Commonwealth MRT because I managed to reach home earlier with my 2 bagful of presents.
For dinner, wifey and myself had white pepper crab at Alexandra Village. It was the first time we had our crab done this way after tasting it at Tioman and it was good too although it taste a bit different from the Paya Beach Resort’s version.
Yummylicious white pepper crab
After dinner, we went IKEA for awhile to see if we can still get the EXPEDIT but promotion has already ended. Oh well... headed home and transform ourselves into couch potatoes. It was very cosy to just laze at the sofa on a cool night and just watch TV programmes, eating tidbits and drinking a bit of red wine. It was showing 4 Christmases, Michael Buble’s concert etc... we seldom had this luxury of spending a quiet Christmas eve as we usually have some parties going on so this us-time is much welcomed.  
Rod Stewart on TV
We then unwrapped our presents after 12 am and the very first present I unwrapped from wifey is a NERF Retaliator... so cool ;o) the presents i gotten this year are nice and useful. Thanks to all who bless us with the gifts. We slept about 130am that night.

Christmas Day! Woke up early and played awhile with MMGG before they headed out to watch Wreck It Ralph than we went with folks for lunch at Bukit Merah View and did some grocery shopping at NTUC. Then wifey and myself went in search of the wardrobe at Star Furniture. Did not manage to find one we like so we went over to Vivo City to get the toys for the kids. Spent quite a long time at Toys R US and finally decided to get a Playdoh Kitchen Set for G&G and a set of Hex Bug Warriors for M&M. I simply love to look at toys!!!

We than had our Seafood noodle soup dinner at Seah Inn Hawker Centre before heading home. Wifey then wrapped up the prezzies and we just placed it under their Christmas Tree to surprise them.
wifey with her new bag (a present from me!)

This Christmas is one of the more relaxing one I have spent as compared to the previous years and I really appreciate the amount of time I get to spend with wifey and my family just doing simple things like watching TV, chit chatting over simple meals, opening presents and enjoying the cool December air as we strolled along the neighbourhood...
Long time ago, in Bethlehem

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