Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Service 2012

This year, folks once again joined us for Christmas service, together with Deb's in laws. It is really special to be able to attend service with your own parents. I pray that they have somehow been touched by the message of the cross and the love of God even though outwardly they may not display much.
Personally, i am very touched by the drama which depicts the love of a father.
Dad did mentioned he was touched by the testimony of one of the lady who suffered a stroke but managed to recover and how her life has been transformed after that incident.

After the service, I had a quick gift exchange with the rest of the LG and then rushed off for lunch at Yan Palace.

wifey with Gigi again with mouthful of food ;oP
could have been ours
After lunch, we went back to IKEA fully intent on getting the Expedit shelf at a discounted price of $79. However, after careful deliberation, we came to a conclusion that there is no way we can bring it back without incurring the exhorbitant delivery charge of $55. Hence, the painful and disappointing decision to let it go was made. May there be another sale on that shelf and hopefully we will have a way to bring it back when the time comes... by hook or by crook.

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