Tuesday 18 December 2012

... And The Gift Goes On... Part 2

Finally, the dust has settled and after weeks of meetings, preparations and watsapp exchanges, we have concluded our 2013 Comcare “...and the gift goes...”

Once again, the day started early for wifey and myself as we reached Toa Payoh central at 930am. We were also there on Friday evening to tie up some loose ends. ( thank God I was on leave so am not so tired)

Waited for Abel to arrive before we proceed to block 58 pavilion.

Once there, and a short prayer to start off everything we all got down to work. The guys were mostly doing the shifting of tables and chairs and setting up the multimedia equipment while the gals were working on the deco. The Uband were also having some last minute practice.

Time flies when everyone were engaged and soon it was time to bring Woon Yeet and Angeline over. We had a briefing by Aung Leng and David as the beneficiaries started streaming in at around 1pm. We started off with buffet and then there were a series of song performances and lucky draws. We also conducted a bingo game as one of the programme.

There were some minor hiccups along the way ( such as the bingo set being left in the RC even though the game is about to start ) but overall it was quite a success as the beneficiaries and volunteers are both blessed being the receiver and the giver, respectively.

Some thanksgiving point

1. God bless us with good weather again, although it rained a bit in the midst of the event, it stopped quite fast and did not really interrupt with our programme

2. Financial blessing. Even though Aung Leng has set a faith donation target of $4000 which seemed such a unattainable one at the beginning of the campaign, we managed to reach that amount.

3. Chance to work together with the rest of the subD. Experience some true teamwork as I work together with the committee who cover each other well and everyone contributed with their time, treasure and talent. Rather dynamic committee we have here.

4. Blooming friendship with some of the bro and sis ;o)

5. Wifey and myself grew closer as we serve together

After the project ended, there is a real sense of joy and satisfaction. Most importantly, it once again remind me of this powerful truth

God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s provision....

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