Monday 24 December 2012


On saturday, we again started the day early to bring Daddy to the clinic. After that, we brought him to the barber as well. Lunch was pork porridge cooked by mom using her slow cooker. After luch we went home to rest a bit before heading out again to May Ling's auntie's condo at Lakeshore for a swim and BBQ.

Lakeshore is a realy nice condo with a huge pool and hot water jacuzzi. Superb for cold weather like Saturday. It was raining by the time we went into the cold pool so the hot jacuzzi was really a welcome relief

Wifey relaxing inside the warm jacuzzi
we spent about an hour or so in the pool before washing up and going over for the BBQ. The rest of the LG and some of the Sub D are already there.

only Aung Leng can be so cruel

delicious durians with compliments from Ang

designated griller of the nite

It was a fun time of fellowship but my attention was divided between this and the match that was happening in Bangkok. Thank God the lions held on and brought the cup back... 4 stars! yeah!!!

with this cup, they silenced their critics.. well done Raddy and Duric and thank you! 

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